Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Downtown with GR

We had a great time last week with GR and his great family shooting some senior pictures. We shot the pictures in downtown Fort Myers. My favorite series of pictures were taken in front of this huge bright red door. We drove by it while scouting out some locations and knew it would be perfect. We also took some pretty cool ones from inside the parking garage. We shot during the middle of the day so it was HOT! Luckily they just built a new Starbucks downtown so we stopped in there several times to cool off.

They say there is a thing called the "Starbucks Phenomenon." Supposedly everytime a new Starbucks moves to a struggling community the economy of that surrounding area starts picking up. Hopefully this "phenomenon" will occur in downtown Fort Myers because right now it is pretty much a ghost town (with a lot of really great places to take pictures). The lady in Starbucks freaked out when she saw we had a camera and yelled "No Pictures!" Hmm... she must have been having a bad hair day.

Anyway, GR was a total natural at getting his pictures taken and he was so easy to work with. His sister Molly helped Sam out as he jumped into a big tree to get some high angle shots. Molly and I also had fun talking about "So You Think You Can Dance" and how upset we were when Allison got voted off.

Click here to see GRs Slideshow


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