Sunday, September 03, 2006

Night of a thousand bites!

Tonight we were assaulted by gnats! Not one, or two, or a few swarms - but what seemed like thousands. I felt like it was straight out of the book of Exodus. I seriously don't know how Pharaoh could have stood the locusts and frogs. Gnats was enough for me!

Between the itching, we actually got some great shots of another senior. She loves the beach, so we were able to shoot on location at Barefoot Beach. It's one of our favorite spots, especially in the quiet off-season. I love it so much because we always shoot at sunset; so we not only get to take great shots but to see one of the unique sunsets that God paints everyday. This one was amazing, by the way!

Lindsey was great, too! She told us she just was looking for "3 good shots" and that she wasn't very photogenic. Ha! We got a lot more than 3 good ones, especially since she was ready for anything. She was even willing to get a white dress dirty and wet. My favorites were on the beach in that dress at sunset. Really cool with the water, which was fairly choppy for our beaches. For anyone not from the area, that means it didn't look like a lake. =-)

We used a Photoflex reflector which just came in and were finally able to use our Speedlites (strobes) like we have been trying to for several shoots.

Lindsey was one of my students in Spanish the last couple of years, so it was great to see her and talk with her again. She's a great student, and I am sure she will succeed in whatever she chooses to do in the future. At the end of the night, she told us that she hadn't really been looking forward to the photo shoot; she had been really nervous. However, when were walking back from the beach she admitted that not only had she become comfortable with us clicking the shutter but that she had a lot of fun (we seem to hear that a lot)! So did we, apart from the plague of gnats! Have a great senior year Lindsey!


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