Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I heart chicken.

Ok, so we didn't do anything to celebrate Haloween but I just had to dress Isa up. About a month or two ago my mom and I went to Baby's R Us and saw all of these really cute baby costumes. There were all the ordinary ones like princesses and butterflies but I happened to be strangely drawn to the chicken costume so we tried it on her in the store. We didn't buy it because twenty five bucks seems like a lot for a chicken costume when Sam and I could use the money to go on a date, but I've been thinking a lot about that costume for the last couple of months.

Yesterday my mom and I went back to the store and of course I headed straight for the costumes which were now 30% off. To my dissapointment the only costumes that were left were all for two and three year olds. I was pretty bummed out. Then as fate would have it, out of the corner of my eye I saw some feathers thrown over on some boxes of diapers. I held my breath as I checked the size..... 6/9 months!!!! Then I checked the orange chicken pants.... 24months. "Oh man" I thought "I was so close."

As we were going through the check out line I decided to ask if we could get another 50% off if I just bought the top half of the chicken. They agreed and I walked away with half a chicken costume for $5. Yeah! We had so much fun dressing Isabella up in it last night. The jacket is actually really warm and I think we are going to use it as a winter jacket for when we go up to South Carolina next month!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ashley, These are so funny! Isa is adorable! Thanks for the link. The pics are awesome - we can't wait to see the rest.
Thanks, Renee

11/14/2006 11:28:00 PM  

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